I can’t think of any, so now you tell me why you think the only reason why Madeleine has had all this money spent on her is down to her parents and her parents alone. Can you venture any plausible explanation? What makes them above all other parents of missing children so very special?
The reason is that this is not just about Madeleine, but about a other missing children and a massive global trafficking network that has to be stopped.
When searching the internet for documents and facts in my search for the abductors of Madeleine, I accidentally dug out two documents about the organisations that do this global trafficking/ They are absolutely cosher and will have given SY a massive starting point.
Also after long hours of work over many years they will have a lot of info from me to check out some unbelievably rich and important people.... ubtouchables? !t is a very delicate situation IMO.
Personally I think that there has to be a major happening before any arrests are made. I would like to be alive when it happens, but I am doubtful.
The above is all in my opinion only but there are hundreds of pointers that none of you have seen. I think it will happen, but when?
I am not expecting any replies; there never are when I make a profound posting.
Maybe some abusive replies? Dunno. Probably just the freeze out, ignore treatment? We shall see.