Disappeared and Abducted Children and Young Adults > The case of 3-year-old Mikaeel Kular found dead in a Kirkcaldy wood.
Social Workers under fire over Mikaeel Kular case
Mr Moderator:
Sherlock Holmes:
It is being revealed that there seems to be a history of care issues pertaining to family Kular.
Fife social services appear to have had considerable involvement with the family in the years prior to Mikaeel's death, and with Mikaeel in particular.
It appears on the face of it that these concerns were not followed through upon the family's relocation to Edinburgh, though perhaps more information will become available on this in time.
Reading between the lines there appears to have been a problem in transferring the social work files from Fife Council to City of Edinburgh Council. It could be that the family simply went of the radar when they moved to Edinburgh last summer.
Frankly, I don't know how she coped with five youngsters on her own and carry on a beautician business at the same time?? I will add that she is alleged to be pregnant again! Could this and the murder of her friend have pushed her over the edge?
--- Quote from: Angelo222 on January 22, 2014, 01:00:34 AM ---Reading between the lines there appears to have been a problem in transferring the social work files from Fife Council to City of Edinburgh Council. It could be that the family simply went of the radar when they moved to Edinburgh last summer.
Frankly, I don't know how she coped with five youngsters on her own and carry on a beautician business at the same time?? I will add that she is alleged to be pregnant again! Could this and the murder of her friend have pushed her over the edge?
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You can't blame the social workers when someone up-sticks and moves without registering elsewhere. Seems strange to have moved away from her family support network in Kirkcaldy, maybe she moved to Edinburgh to get more work.
Sherlock Holmes:
--- Quote from: Angelo222 on January 22, 2014, 01:00:34 AM ---Reading between the lines there appears to have been a problem in transferring the social work files from Fife Council to City of Edinburgh Council. It could be that the family simply went of the radar when they moved to Edinburgh last summer.
Frankly, I don't know how she coped with five youngsters on her own and carry on a beautician business at the same time?? I will add that she is alleged to be pregnant again! Could this and the murder of her friend have pushed her over the edge?
--- End quote ---
It seems a bit strange that files would not be transferred as a matter of course from one council to another with regard to such a serious matter. Perhaps CPN or someone involved in social work can tell us what the usual procedures might be and where things might have gone awry this time.
Regarding the ability to cope, I know a number of mothers with large families who also work, and they do manage it. Some if not all of the children are at school for several hours a day, and often there is extended family support. These things seemed to be in place here. On the face of it, Mikaeel's mother presumably would not have opted to have a sixth child - if that information is correct - if she did not feel able to cope with five. That being said, she was clearly struggling.
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