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Wrongfully convicted with no funds to fight back
The words YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY are the most devastating words you will ever hear, with the aftermath of looseing everthing wife,family,home etc. How do you cope because to me if you are eventually cleared by miracle the Stigma will always remain. Is there anyone out there who has faced the same problem.
--- Quote from: aly on January 20, 2017, 09:52:15 AM ---The words YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY are the most devastating words you will ever hear, with the aftermath of looseing everthing wife,family,home etc. How do you cope because to me if you are eventually cleared by miracle the Stigma will always remain. Is there anyone out there who has faced the same problem.
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It is a terrible situation to be in aly. Would you like to share some details of your case including any press articles if possible?
--- Quote from: aly on January 20, 2017, 09:52:15 AM ---The words YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY are the most devastating words you will ever hear, with the aftermath of looseing everthing wife,family,home etc. How do you cope because to me if you are eventually cleared by miracle the Stigma will always remain. Is there anyone out there who has faced the same problem.
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It's something I think about, almost on a daily basis.
It goes without saying that there must currently be, dozens of people wrongly incarcerated. I can only imagine how desperate these folk must feel.
I've recently had a court find against me, albeit in a relatively trivial civil matter. I really don't think I could cope if I were wrongly accused, never mind convicted, of a serious crime.
Unfortunately, I would guess that most people start from the view point that, "there is no smoke without fire".
Tim Invictus:
I once had a civil suit case which I lost before a magistrates bench and I was both astonished and felt the magistrate was wrong and too dumb to understand my point. Disappointed, I immediately paid for an appeal before a judge confident I would get a fair hearing; the judge was Harriot Harmon's sister and quite frankly she couldn't give a monkeys and was never going to overrule the magistrate whatever I said ... I went from disappointed to bloody furious and told the judge what I thought of her and her sister! She told me I was one more comment away from being arrested for contempt of court .... so I shut up and left with my contempt!
That was just a minor financial dispute; what on earth it must be like to be found wrongfully guilty of a serious crime involving a prison sentence I cannot imagine. I always think of poor Timothy Evans who was hung for the murder of his wife and baby when Reginald Christie did it! One of the most terrible miscarriages of justice I know!
If I thought there was an iota of doubt in the Bamber case I would fight just as much as the Bamberettes do. That will never be the case though as there can be no reasonable doubt he is guilty.
--- Quote from: Tim Invictus on February 06, 2017, 09:10:08 PM ---I once had a civil suit case which I lost before a magistrates bench and I was both astonished and felt the magistrate was wrong and too dumb to understand my point. Disappointed, I immediately paid for an appeal before a judge confident I would get a fair hearing; the judge was Harriot Harmon's sister and quite frankly she couldn't give a monkeys and was never going to overrule the magistrate whatever I said ... I went from disappointed to bloody furious and told the judge what I thought of her and her sister! She told me I was one more comment away from being arrested for contempt of court .... so I shut up and left with my contempt!
That was just a minor financial dispute; what on earth it must be like to be found wrongfully guilty of a serious crime involving a prison sentence I cannot imagine. I always think of poor Timothy Evans who was hung for the murder of his wife and baby when Reginald Christie did it! One of the most terrible miscarriages of justice I know!
If I thought there was an iota of doubt in the Bamber case I would fight just as much as the Bamberettes do. That will never be the case though as there can be no reasonable doubt he is guilty.
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Have you read "Ten Rillington Place" by Ludovic Kennedy re the Timothy Evans case? I read it last week, and it is extremely well written. It's old (written in the 1960's) but still very informative and relevant. I recommend it.
I am looking at the Bamber case at the moment, but I dont, as yet know enough to have an opinion on whether he's guilty or not. Don't like the sound of him, though!!
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