Author Topic: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!  (Read 6512 times)

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Offline Admin

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2020, 11:53:11 AM »
4. Testing remains well below UK target

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has set a target of 100,000 tests per day by the end of April - a big jump from the previous target of 25,000 per day by mid-April.

On Wednesday, the government reported that nearly 16,000 coronavirus tests were carried out in the preceding 24 hours and in total nearly 314,000 people in the UK have been tested.

Mr Hancock said the number of daily tests being carried out had been flat over the last couple of days because there was not enough demand among hospital patients and NHS staff, rather than not enough capacity.

Testing is now being expanded to social care staff and care home residents, he added.

At the risk of sounding like Lord Sugar, if there was slack in hospitals, why weren't they (insert preferred expletive) sent to where they were needed?

The sad truth is that our government is lying through their teeth to us all. There will NEVER be large scale testing of the population at large, there will not be a surge in recruitment to care homes. The entire situation is one almighty mess, the government are banking on the fact that in a few weeks time we will all be so relieved that we are still alive and getting back to our normal lives that their promises and betrayals will be long forgotten.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 11:56:16 AM by Admin »

Offline Mr Gray

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2020, 12:51:37 PM »
The sad truth is that our government is lying through their teeth to us all. There will NEVER be large scale testing of the population at large, there will not be a surge in recruitment to care homes. The entire situation is one almighty mess, the government are banking on the fact that in a few weeks time we will all be so relieved that we are still alive and getting back to our normal lives that their promises and betrayals will be long forgotten.

Its very easy to blame the govt. They probably dont make any decisions...the decisions being made by the scientific experts. This is something that has never happened before so its not surprising all govts are finding it difficult. The Uk seem to be doing better than  Italy, Spain and they cant be that bad
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 12:55:41 PM by Davel »

Offline Carana

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2020, 02:15:58 PM »

Davel, advisers advise, governments decide. They can choose to listen... or not.

This particular virus is new, indeed, but there have been several pandemic simulations. The UK is not the only country that doesn't appear to have integrated the reports, but is one of them.

I'm not sure that some of these governments actually grasped the difference between an edpidemic and a pandemic until they were all scrambling to bid for scarce equipment / supplies and wondering why everyone else was doing the same.

Offline Mr Gray

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2020, 02:29:52 PM »

Davel, advisers advise, governments decide. They can choose to listen... or not.

This particular virus is new, indeed, but there have been several pandemic simulations. The UK is not the only country that doesn't appear to have integrated the reports, but is one of them.

I'm not sure that some of these governments actually grasped the difference between an edpidemic and a pandemic until they were all scrambling to bid for scarce equipment / supplies and wondering why everyone else was doing the same.

On what basis can the govt not listen to experts... What expertise do they have to come up with strategies. As for the govt being slow to act... Thisvus what Richard Horton... Editor of the lancet and one if the govt biggest critics was saying at the end of Jan..

24 Jan
A call for caution please. Media are escalating anxiety by talking of a “killer virus” + “growing fears”. In truth, from what we currently know, 2019-nCoV has moderate transmissibility and relatively low pathogenicity. There is no reason to foster panic with exaggerated language

Offline Mr Gray

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2020, 02:38:27 PM »

Davel, advisers advise, governments decide. They can choose to listen... or not.

This particular virus is new, indeed, but there have been several pandemic simulations. The UK is not the only country that doesn't appear to have integrated the reports, but is one of them.

I'm not sure that some of these governments actually grasped the difference between an edpidemic and a pandemic until they were all scrambling to bid for scarce equipment / supplies and wondering why everyone else was doing the same.

The WHO didn't declare it a pandemic until mid march

Offline Vertigo Swirl

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2020, 05:43:45 PM »

Davel, advisers advise, governments decide. They can choose to listen... or not.

This particular virus is new, indeed, but there have been several pandemic simulations. The UK is not the only country that doesn't appear to have integrated the reports, but is one of them.

I'm not sure that some of these governments actually grasped the difference between an edpidemic and a pandemic until they were all scrambling to bid for scarce equipment / supplies and wondering why everyone else was doing the same.
Is there any evidence that the government ignored advice from its own health adviors?

Online Eleanor

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2020, 11:51:22 AM »

This really worries me.  God knows how many old people are locked up in care homes from which they cannot escape.

But from the minute we abandon old people then whatever damaged society we still have left will never recover.

Only the young will survive.  And then guess what.  They will be old one day, but without any knowledge that society will care for them.  So they will have absolutely nothing to depend upon.

Have a good life you all.

Offline mrswah

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Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2020, 12:00:07 PM »
This really worries me.  God knows how many old people are locked up in care homes from which they cannot escape.

But from the minute we abandon old people then whatever damaged society we still have left will never recover.

Only the young will survive.  And then guess what.  They will be old one day, but without any knowledge that society will care for them.  So they will have absolutely nothing to depend upon.

Have a good life you all.

I believe there are even more elderly people living in their own homes, relying on visiting carers.  Between visits, they are entirely on their own.

Online Eleanor

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2020, 12:29:14 PM »
I believe there are even more elderly people living in their own homes, relying on visiting carers.  Between visits, they are entirely on their own.

There is this as well, of course.  What happened?  When did we stop caring?

I cannot find the words to express how I feel about this.  I am 80 years old and actually perfectly capable of surviving on my own.  I did this for nearly 30 years.  My youngest son lives with me now, but for the benefit of both of us.  But some old people can't.

My dependence on The Internet is interesting, but what else are we all doing?

Offline Carana

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2020, 04:50:25 PM »
Is there any evidence that the government ignored advice from its own health adviors?

Several countries, including the UK, appear to have largely swept the post-mortems of their pandemic simulations under the carpet.

I'm still trying to find what, if any, action was taken early in January.

I can understand the need to avoid public panic, but BJ stating on TV (March 3) that he'd just visited a hospital where he believed some COVID patients were in care (it seems there weren't) and that he saw no reason to stop shaking hands might have been a slight step too far in the opposite direction....

Offline Carana

Re: The scandal of the Covid-19 Care Home residents left to die!
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2020, 09:05:25 PM »
If I were in a care home, or even at home, and having difficulty breathing and therefore likely to die within days, I'm not sure what I'd want.

If I had a reasonable chance of surviving, yes, I'd want to be taken to hospital.

But, if my condition made that hugely unlikely, and that I would die anyway within a few days.... where?

I'm not in that situation fpr the moment, but anyone could be.

I might opt to die with at least someone I know who could hold my hand, as opposed to feeling totally alone and knowing (hearing) that staff are waiting for me to die so that someone else can take my place.