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Nicola Sturgeon resignation

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Miss Taken Identity:

--- Quote from: Erngath on February 15, 2023, 09:15:13 PM ---She is a very shrewd politician.
She knows exactly what she is doing.

The independence movement is not dependent on any one leader/person.

Your feeling of being disenfranchised is exactly why I will always vote SNP and if "allowed" to by Westminster will vote for independence

--- End quote ---

"She is a very shrewd politician.
She knows exactly what she is doing."
well apart from the memory lapses she suffers from...

One week  atnews conferenmce we get the picture -she is NOT leaving- no way. will see Independence THEN erm  I am leaving as I erm well  um  ...

Anyone want to buy a van, uninsured of course. Can be used for Party political BS.


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