Tip 3
Make your home and your car virus free areas, so that you can touch anything safely in either place
If around and about, as your leave the house pull the door closed with either the key or with fresh gloved hands.
Open the car door with gloves on (unless the handle has been freshly sanitised). Take the gloves off turning them inside out, before getting in the car and immediately put them in a plastic bag or similar for contaminated stuff. Dispose of these items asap.
Upon reaching the shops, put clean gloves on and depart the door in a sterile manner. You might want to put on a face mask at this time but bear in mind that
i) the masks are only good for about 20 minutes, when they become saturatd. I don't know whether this is true of more advanced masks
ii) Other peoples sneezing can still land on you.
If you have, or may have, the virus, or any signs ... and absolutely must go out ... then it is imperative you put the face mask on and if posssible change it regularly for the safety of others and to slow down the progress of of the virus
These masks are far more use for keeping coughs and sneezes/ virus to the already affected wearer than they are to people who are free of the virus
Take the trolley back. You have been wearing clean gloves so little need to wipe the trolley handle.
Open the car boot and doors electronically if possible cos it is imperative that the interior of the car remains a safe zone. Have a special designated box/s inside . Everything foodwise or shopping wise goes in there.
Before getting into the car, but with the door open take your gloves off, turning them inside out and one glove encapsulated into the other. Straight into the plastic bag in your left pocket or a designated plastic bag in the car
There is a special technique for taking both gloves off without touching the possibly contaminated outer surface, but I haven't the energy atm to go thru that.
I feel that I have missed bits here, but I think that you will get the gist. Keep contamination out of your car and house. Take used gloves off before entering either, then you have two safe zones and your car is effectively an extension to your virus free home.