Author Topic: New member  (Read 1607 times)

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Offline Seratonia

New member
« on: April 06, 2021, 03:21:04 PM »
Hi everyone!   

Completely new to forums so please be gentle! I’ve been lurking for a couple of weeks, mostly reading through the Luke Mitchell threads (since the Channel 5 documentary was aired). Before watching the documentary I was under the impression there was no doubt surrounding Luke’s guilt, afterwards it did make me question a few things so started reading through what I could find online (and found you!). I’ve been on the fence regarding Luke’s guilt since the documentary, until a day or two ago, after watching Luke Mitchell’s lie detector test. Now I’m leaning more towards guilty.

There is also another case that interests me greatly, mostly because I am from the area. This case would be the Clydach murders. Dai Morris’ conviction sits uneasy with me. IMO, it could possibly be a miscarriage of justice and there are other people who should have been investigated more thoroughly.

Offline John

Re: New member
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2021, 04:19:53 PM »
Hi everyone!   

Completely new to forums so please be gentle! I’ve been lurking for a couple of weeks, mostly reading through the Luke Mitchell threads (since the Channel 5 documentary was aired). Before watching the documentary I was under the impression there was no doubt surrounding Luke’s guilt, afterwards it did make me question a few things so started reading through what I could find online (and found you!). I’ve been on the fence regarding Luke’s guilt since the documentary, until a day or two ago, after watching Luke Mitchell’s lie detector test. Now I’m leaning more towards guilty.

There is also another case that interests me greatly, mostly because I am from the area. This case would be the Clydach murders. Dai Morris’ conviction sits uneasy with me. IMO, it could possibly be a miscarriage of justice and there are other people who should have been investigated more thoroughly.

A very warm welcome to the forum Seratonia.

I'm sure the members will be most interested in your views on the cases. The Luke Mitchell Channel 5 documentary was produced to get a reaction, it had little to do with the case as a whole however.

Happy posting 👍
A malicious prosecution for a crime which never existed. An exposé of egregious malfeasance by public officials.
Indeed, the truth never changes with the passage of time.

Offline Seratonia

Re: New member
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2021, 07:20:24 PM »
Thank you very much!  8)--))