Author Topic: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.  (Read 11497 times)

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Offline Mr Apples

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2023, 12:09:58 AM »
Be honest MA there’s nothing that Luke could say or do that would convince those who don’t believe in his innocence that he’s innocent. I admire his decision not to throw red meat to people like you. He’ll tell his story to individuals who can actually further his cause and that’s good enough for me.

There's plenty he could say. It's extremely telling that he doesn't utter a word about why he is not guilty. There were 20 points of circumstantial evidence used to convict him, yet he chooses to address not a single one of them. Zilch. Maybe someone should press him on the more salient points of that evidence, starting with the olive green army parka that went missing? Then pick his brain about why his own brother did not corroborate the alibi and why he found the body so quickly?  Now, that would be worth listening to! Instead, we are left with a psychopath and narcissist harping on about the incompetence the Criminal Justice System has thus far displayed in dealing with the management of his possible parole progression. Not all in vain, however, as there are the usual mouthbreathers who are convinced he's innocent by virtue of his eloquence and his ability to comport himself well in an interview setting.

Offline Chris_Halkides

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2023, 12:50:47 AM »
From The Guardian, "If he had played the game and enrolled on a sex offender treatment course, he could have been released after less than seven years. Instead, he maintained his innocence, which kept him behind bars for another decade."  Andrew Malkinson's story is a cautionary tale.

I agree with Faith; there is nothing that LM could say that would convince the pro-guilt posters here or elsewhere of his innocence.  The notion that Mia alerted LM strikes me as plausible.

Offline Myster

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2023, 05:04:01 AM »
From The Guardian, "If he had played the game and enrolled on a sex offender treatment course, he could have been released after less than seven years. Instead, he maintained his innocence, which kept him behind bars for another decade."  Andrew Malkinson's story is a cautionary tale.

I agree with Faith; there is nothing that LM could say that would convince the pro-guilt posters here or elsewhere of his innocence.  The notion that Mia alerted LM strikes me as plausible.
Then why didn't Luke Mitchell's "search/tracker dog" alert to human or blood presence at first walking easterly along Roan's when they were on their way to meet the search party?  Surely if that was its purpose and Mitchell was very concerned about Jodi's disappearance, why didn't he set it in search mode all the way there?
It's one of them cases, in'it... one of them f*ckin' cases.

Offline faithlilly

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2023, 09:20:55 AM »
Then why didn't Luke Mitchell's "search/tracker dog" alert to human or blood presence at first walking easterly along Roan's when they were on their way to meet the search party?  Surely if that was its purpose and Mitchell was very concerned about Jodi's disappearance, why didn't he set it in search mode all the way there?

Again why did the family searchers go down Roan’s Dyke path when Judith allegedly had been told by Jodi that she was mucking about in Easthouses?
Brietta posted on 10/04/2022 “But whether or not that is the reason behind the delay I am certain that Brueckner's trial is going to take place.”

Let’s count the months, shall we?

Offline Chris_Halkides

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2023, 02:16:40 PM »
I think LM might have been focused on meeting up with the other members of the search party.  If he were so interested in being the one the one to find the body, why would LM not just go straight there first?

Offline Myster

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2023, 04:06:00 PM »
I think LM might have been focused on meeting up with the other members of the search party.  If he were so interested in being the one the one to find the body, why would LM not just go straight there first?
Because he knew where she was all the time and didn't want to appear to be the one to have found her body on his own and hence raise suspicions of her family. Teenagers know their local surroundings and regular haunts like the back of their hand... I'm sure Mitchell was no exception.  Over the V was a favourite concealed trysting and dope-smoking spot; witness the rubbish left there, trees carved with initials, etc.  I can't remember if LM claimed to police in interviews or witness statements that he'd never been over the V when the murder occurred or any time before in his life?
It's one of them cases, in'it... one of them f*ckin' cases.

Offline KenMair

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2023, 06:07:06 PM »
Then why didn't Luke Mitchell's "search/tracker dog" alert to human or blood presence at first walking easterly along Roan's when they were on their way to meet the search party?  Surely if that was its purpose and Mitchell was very concerned about Jodi's disappearance, why didn't he set it in search mode all the way there?

Agreed. The idea that the family pet became a tracker cadaver dog only while heading west is laughable. He took twice as long going east up that path so he would be in the right place to lead the search, then the feint look over the Gino spot to introduce uncertainty. Did he look over the V break before he "found" the body, bearing in mind the body was over an 8 foot wall covered in undergrowth, 43 feet past and the dog was on a short lead? 

Again, he was over the wall with no concerns despite claiming never to have been there. Having been to the scene it would be impossible for him to identify anything at that distance in the dark in that short timeframe - one of the 3 main reasons he was found guilty.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2023, 07:23:34 PM by KenMore »

Offline KenMair

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2023, 06:23:22 PM »
There's plenty he could say. It's extremely telling that he doesn't utter a word about why he is not guilty. There were 20 points of circumstantial evidence used to convict him, yet he chooses to address not a single one of them. Zilch. Maybe someone should press him on the more salient points of that evidence, starting with the olive green army parka that went missing? Then pick his brain about why his own brother did not corroborate the alibi and why he found the body so quickly?  Now, that would be worth listening to!

It's clear he is unable to engage because he doesn't have any answers but is happy to orchestrate a spiteful snidey campaign against the victim's family through SL.

He could say: It wasn't me because of A, B, C etc
Or, my family are all behind me in getting me out and finding who did it
Or have some empathy for Jodi instead of jumping on one of her friends a few weeks later.

He's a pschyo-narcissist so won't think like that which is why he comes across so self-centered when  speaking.

Offline Chris_Halkides

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2023, 07:39:45 PM »
Mia's trainer, who trained dogs professionally, said that her tracking abilities were exceptional.

In some known or potential wrongful convictions, the convicted person has multiple alibi witnesses (for example Adam Braseel or Richard Rosario) or electronic evidence or both (for example Russ Faria) putting him or her many miles elsewhere.  This case is not like those.

Offline KenMair

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2023, 07:52:34 PM »
Mia's trainer, who trained dogs professionally, said that her tracking abilities were exceptional.

So why didn't he let it loose on the way up the path? 11pm at night and girlfriend missing for 6 hours and he decides to wait for another 30 mins until he's in company and keep it on a short lead, really?

Offline faithlilly

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2023, 08:41:57 PM »
So why didn't he let it loose on the way up the path? 11pm at night and girlfriend missing for 6 hours and he decides to wait for another 30 mins until he's in company and keep it on a short lead, really?

Luke was on the way to Judith’s, that was the plan. Mia was there because it was dark and Luke was by himself. There was no plan to go back down the path…not at least until Jodi’s gran suggested it. Taking that into consideration when do you think that Luke planned to find the body?
Brietta posted on 10/04/2022 “But whether or not that is the reason behind the delay I am certain that Brueckner's trial is going to take place.”

Let’s count the months, shall we?

Offline Chris_Halkides

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2023, 09:25:30 PM »
Here is a different sort of question:  If Adam Braseel, Russ Faria, and others had alibis, then why did they get convicted?

Offline KenMair

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2023, 09:55:38 PM »
Here is a different sort of question:  If Adam Braseel, Russ Faria, and others had alibis, then why did they get convicted?

Why not try addressing the existing questions about LM? I have no idea who these people are as I am only interested in this case as it is local to me. Nothing anyone has posted on here has given me any cause for concern the initial verdict and subsequent appeals were not correct. In fact, I would say SL's campaign has done more harm than good for Mitchell (which is probably what she wants as it keeps her in the spotlight, albeit a small spotlight).

Offline faithlilly

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2023, 10:52:04 AM »
Why not try addressing the existing questions about LM? I have no idea who these people are as I am only interested in this case as it is local to me. Nothing anyone has posted on here has given me any cause for concern the initial verdict and subsequent appeals were not correct. In fact, I would say SL's campaign has done more harm than good for Mitchell (which is probably what she wants as it keeps her in the spotlight, albeit a small spotlight).

‘Local to you’….there in lies the rub. I think distance does lend objectivity.

Brietta posted on 10/04/2022 “But whether or not that is the reason behind the delay I am certain that Brueckner's trial is going to take place.”

Let’s count the months, shall we?

Offline Parky41

Re: Luke Mitchell will not have to admit being a killer to get parole.
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2023, 12:12:37 PM »
I think LM might have been focused on meeting up with the other members of the search party.  If he were so interested in being the one the one to find the body, why would LM not just go straight there first?

The actual evidence tells us different - On that path by his own claims at 10:59pm, still on that path alone some 22mins later. Utter nonsense of not having the dog switched on because he rushed up any path just wanting off it as quickly as possible! Walking time less than half of 22mins, at a rushed pace, then c'mon! Idling and waiting on the others, or doing goodness knows what around that V break?! For even when the others did arrive LM was not at the top of that path, only around 2/3 by this point! Meeting physically with them around 3/4.

His mother made no attempt to make contact with the place he was claiming to head to, which tells us she had no idea of those claims of going to the Jones house. Then we add in his claim of being home, coming off that call with Judith Jones after 10:50pm, and again, where was it SM was supposed to have located that torch from downstairs? For LM to debate (claim) with mother, be ready and on that path by the next call at 10:59pm - "I smell s***e"

This dog expert, so tell us Chris? Dates and amount of sessions said dog with any training, level of skills, what it was being trained to track and so forth? What was used for any claimed tracking? - Simply repeating the standard "expert tracking" skills is not good enough. We then tie in that no defence called this claimed expert for any evidence, for two reasons perhaps, all is not as it seems with those claims that no one has seen any proof of, bar the dog fetching some toy from up a tree! To the absolute fact that LM was not anywhere near where he claimed said alert took place by said dog! You know, 'my dog alerted to something over the wall directly "parallel" to where the victims body lay on the other side - Did not happen, was not there, dog did not alert to anything of the victims body!

Under 40mins in total, just wow! - From initiating a search directly to the RDP, holding back on said path for others arriving, heading off together and LM diverts attention from searching that path by going to the wall at the first break, the Gino break, some 6ft from ground level. From initiating a search directly to the path, to diverting from searching the path and going to that wall and woodland beyond. He does the same again at the V break, enters the woodland and bingo! That miraculous find, finds the victims body that had been hidden some 43ft west of that break "Parallel" to where he lied the dog reacted on the path side! But it hadn't, he nor his dog, nor JaJ's with SK had been where LM said they were, straight to that V break, always straight to that V break, from the first to their testimony in court!

Mere minutes together on the path, mere seconds in that woodland alone, complete familiarity, and what does LM relate to the police after such a gruesome claimed find? The type of tree from 43ft away from that break in the dark, names it, that "large oak tree" The bobble and on it went - LM led that poor girls family directly to her body in under 40mins!

We go with what did take place, we do not go on if only's - We know with the times he had waited on their arrival, he knew they were heading to that path. We know this as the first thing he asked was had they brought something along for the prop, the dog, that ruse! We know the three knew he was there, supposed to be searching, we know AW shouted out upon their arrival "Is that you Luke?" We know that all communication to them had been directly to the landline of AW's home until after 11:05pm, - by the time of their departure LM was already alone on that path!

Under 40mins and it cannot be said too many times. From being home (claimed), to initiating that search directly there, to holding back, to setting off together, to finding a body that had been hidden in an area of woodland off the beaten track, in the dark, that no one was searching, no dog, just LM alone who had diverted attention from the path to the woodland, that dark woodland beyond that wall. One can keep on saying he could not possibly have killed that girl, there was no forensic evidence, but just like that alibi, one cannot show LM was home and they cannot show he did not know where the victims body was - The evidence for these two areas alone, overwhelming!